Datasets, algorithms, and others

  1. Rincon, R., J. Padgett. (2024) “Illustrative example of a hypothetical bridge network subjected to an earthquake hazard,” in IN-CORE on DesignSafe. DesignSafe-CI.
  2. Padgett, J., R. Rincon, A. Tafur. (2024) “Reconnaissance of Wind Damage to Buildings in Downtown Houston, Texas,” in Reconnaissance of Wind Damage to Buildings in Downtown Houston, Texas. DesignSafe-CI.
  3. Rincon, R., C. Del-Castillo-Negrete, J. Padgett. (2023) “ASCE INSPIRE 2023 - DesignSafe Workshop.” DesignSafe-CI.
  4. Rincon R, Padgett, JE. (2023) “Jupyter Notebook for visualization of spatially distributed data in risk and resilience analysis.” DesignSafe-CI.